Submitted by Intern Staff Writer, Ashley Powers
Who saw it coming? I didn’t, Ya’ll know what I’m talking about, two of the best women on the music scene are collaborating yes, yes that is the beautiful Ms. Alicia Keys and the oh so talented Ms. Beyonce’ a.k.a Mrs. Carter. Of course both ladies put their song writing skills to work and did a phenomenal job.
The song is by Alicia Keys featuring Beyonce. Alicia recently had us gone on the song she did with Beyonces’ husband Jay-Z ‘Empire State Building’ that duet had some people all the way on the west coast chanting ‘I’m from New York’. This hot record is titled ‘Put It In a Love Song’. It makes me wonder if I asked my man to write our relationship into a love ballad what would he come up with.
The song is definitely a hit I see it as this summer’s anthem.