HAPPY EASTER Hub Fans! The Founder of Sacculturalhub.com, Pleshette Robertson, hopes that you and your family has a wonderful celebration Easter Sunday beginning with Good Friday services. Below are some churches that I highly recommend for worship services in the Greater Sacramento Valley Region.
- Genesis Baptist Church in South Sac
- Bayside of South Sacramento (BOSS)
- Center of Praise Ministries in Midtown Sacramento
- Antioch Progressive Church in South Sac
- St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church in Oak Park
- Calvary Christian Center in North Sac and South Sac
- Destiny Church in South Sac
- Harvest Church in Elk Grove
- Shiloh Baptist Church
- Capitol Christian Center in North Sac
- New Direction Christian Center
- Sheep of the Good Shepherd Baptist Fellowship in Elk Grove
If you are new to Sacramento and looking for a church home of fellowship, praise, and worship, we encourage you to visit one of these churches listed. There are literally hundreds of churches to visit in Sacramento.
- Church Directory listed at www.sacobserver.com/community/church_directory.shtml
- List of churches at http://www.sacramentochurches.org/
You can always wake up to the musical songs of worship with Tommie Goss on 103.5thebomb’s Gospel Express Show every Sunday morning from 6 am to 12 noon. Listen to great and inspirational gospel music everyday 24-hours to Rejoice 1240 AM.
The Founder of Sacculturalhub.com just wants to mention that praise and worship with Jesus and the study of His word can be done anywhere, anyplace, and anytime. It doesn’t begin with Easter Sunday, Christmas, or any holiday. However, these time periods provide us the opportunity to glorify HIS name in fellowship. Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, is not confined to a building, HE is every where and the Holy Spirit resides in us. So praise and worship and the beginnings or continuation of your personal relationship with Christ begins in your heart! Praise the Lord for he is faithful, merciful, and is always by your side through the good and the bad!
FOUNDER’S BEST PICKS: Some of the Best Restaurants for Brunch and/or Dinner on Easter Sunday
- Jazzy Blues Cafe, 319 6th St. in West Sacramento | 916-372-8897 |
http://www.jazzybluescafe.com/ - Table 260, 826 J St. in Downtown Sacramento | 916 – 447-2260 | see Sacramento Magazine’s Food Review
- Celestin’s Island Eats & Cajun Cuisine, 1815 K Street in Downtown Sacramento | (916) 444-22423 | http://www.celstinseats.com/
- Waffle Shop Country Cooking, 2817 Zinfandel Drive in Rancho Cordova | 916-631-8888
- All you can eat buffet Easter Brunch at Sac Brew in Town & Country Village in Sacramento | 916-485-4677 | www.sacbrew.com
- Easter Brunch at Lions Gate Hotel from 10 am to 2 pm, 3410 Westover Street, McClellan | 916-640-0809 | http://www.lionsgatehotel.com/
- Champagne Brunch at Tower Bridge Bistro inside Embassy Suites, 100 Capitol Mall in Downtown Sacramento | (916) 326-5050 | www.towerbridgebistro.com
And, there are even more restaurants to choose from with great
specials on Easter Sunday from Granite Bay through Modesto. >> see more