By Pleshette Robertson, Sac Cultural Hub CEO & Founder 

THIS BAD MAMMA JAMA, Vanessa Belle Calloway, is super amazing! #THEHUBLIVE just had to highlight what popped up on our Instagram timeline as October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and today, Oct 26 – 8 years ago – Monday, October 26, 2009, Vanessa had secretly entered the hospital and had a mastectomy and breast reconstruction. They took fat from her stomach (a tummy tuck) and made her a new breast. Vanessa was in the hospital for 5 days and got home the day before Halloween and she took this photo last November, 4 months before her 60th Birthday, to celebrate her life and longevity in the entertainment industry.  Vanessa’s post includes these hashtags: #grateful #thriving #happy #tobealive #cancerfree #praisegod 

Can you believe that Vanessa Bell Calloway is 60? She LOOKS INCREDIBLE and just hasn’t aged at all…very beautiful!  


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