Sacramento, CA – On Thursday, June 23, the Steering Committee on Reduction of African- American Child Deaths’ (RAACD) will launch a county-wide initiative to reduce the number of Sacramento County’s African-American child deaths. During this community launch, key partners called Community Lead Incubators (CILs) will be announced, the Community Leadership Roundtable (CLR) members will be introduced and celebration of the work thus far will take place. Each CIL will present on services and resources they provide and their plans to further implement the efforts of the Steering Committee on RAACD.
CILs are community-based organizations that provide social services to local residents within each of the focus neighborhoods identified in Sacramento County Blue Ribbon Commission Report as the communities with the highest rate of African American child deaths. The Steering Committee on RAACD voted to separate the Meadowview/ Valley Hi neighborhood, therefore there will be seven CILs. Each CIL will be responsible for the implementation of intervention and prevention strategies targeted to reduce African American child deaths within their respective communities.
Tragically, in Sacramento County, for the past 20 years, African American children died at two times the rate of other children. In 2013, following the Blue Ribbon Commission report, the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors established the Steering Committee on RAACD, a community-driven body, to reduce deaths among African American children by 10 to 20 percent by 2020.
Over the last two years, the Steering Committee on RAACD has worked to create a strategic plan and implementation plan and have successfully secured $ 8.1 million over the next five years from the county and city of Sacramento. This funding is in addition to the commitments made by the County’s First 5 Commission and its child welfare and probation department.
The Steering Committee is funded by the County of Sacramento and First 5 Sacramento, and is managed by the Center for Health Program Management. More information on these efforts can be found on the Steering Committee on RAACD’s web page.
NATALIE WOODS ANDREWS, Co-chair, Steering Committee on Reduction of African American Child Deaths and Director of School Readiness Department, Sacramento County Office of Education
DIANE LITTLEFIELD, Vice President of Programs and Partnerships, Sierra Health Foundation: Center for Health Program Management
Community Incubator Lead Organizations
Local Elected Leaders
Steering Committee on RAACD Members
Thursday, June 23, 2016 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Community Incubator Lead Presentations at 2:15 p.m.
Sierra Health Foundation, 1321 Garden Highway Sacramento, CA 95833
The Center for Health Program Management works to reduce health disparities in underserved communities. With commitment, creativity and collaboration, the Center promotes efforts to eradicate health inequities across California.