The Respite Partnership Collabortive, in partnership with Sierra Health Foundation: Center for Health Program Management and Sacramento County Division of Behavioral Health Services, has announced the availability of funding within Sacramento County to support the provision of mental health respite services to address unmet needs, according to an official Sierra Health Foundation email.
The total amount of funding available this year is $1,350,000. Awards will range from $15,000 to $1,000,000, and the number of contracts awarded will depend on the size of the awards.
The Respite Partnership Collaborative will fund a range of respite projects that will serve one or more of the five target populations identified in the Sacramento County Innovation Plan. New and existing innovative respite approaches that offer alternatives to hospitalization for individuals experiencing or at risk of a mental health crisis are strongly encouraged.
Proposals are due via email to Sierra Health Foundation: Center for Health Program Management by 12 noon on September 18.
Interested parties and community members can attend a RPC Community Launch and Proposer’s Conference on August 30 from 9am-12pm at Sierra Health Foundation. Register online by 12 noon on August 28 to participate.
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