The Sacramento County Division of Behavioral Health Services (DBHS) is accepting entries from Sacramento County youth and young adults ages 13-21 for the “Mental Illness: It’s Not Always What You Think” Youth PSA Contest, according to an official press release.
The deadline for entries is December 21, 2012. Youth and young adults are invited to submit a 30-second Public Service Announcement (PSA) video that has a clear message that talks about mental health in a positive way. The PSA should address one or more of the 8 Things You Can Do to Stop Stigma and Discrimination – you can view them by clicking here – and include facts about mental illness and stigma.
Entries will be narrowed down by an expert panel, with the top entries being voted on by the public. Videos will be judged on the ability to motivate action or inspire change, creativity and originality, message development and clarity, and production quality. The winning PSA will be aired on television stations across Sacramento.
Click here for more information on the contest.