1,200 Youth and Community Members to Build Peace and Unity at Gun Violence Awareness Rally

WHAT: In honor of Gun Violence Awareness Month, the Black Child Legacy Campaign will gather 1,200 youth and community leaders to raise awareness about gun violence, create strategies and policies to combat gun violence and learn how to build safe spaces for young people together. Activities will include:

  • Youth-led Harambee
  • Youth spoken word artists
  • Photos and autographs with Sacramento Kings players
  • Moment of silence
  • Speakers impacted by gun violence

WHY:  Third-party homicide is one of the leading causes of death among African American children in Sacramento and, across the country, a child or teen is killed by a gun every 2 hours and 34 minutes. Community will gather to build awareness and protective local measures in order to create lasting peace and unity across Sacramento.


  • Stevante Clark, brother of Stephon Clark
  • Tanya Bean Garrett, mother of Deston “Nutter” Garrett
  • Lorrie Johnson, grandmother of Deja Richards
  • LaQuita Johnson, aunt of Deja Richards
  • Pastor Les Simmons, South Sacramento Christian Center
  • Sacramento Area Youth Speaks (SAYS) Spoken Word Artists                  

WHEN: Thursday, June 27, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

WHERE: Cesar Chavez Park – 910 I Street, Sacramento

ABOUT THE BLACK CHILD LEGACY CAMPAIGN:   The Black Child Legacy Campaign (BCLC) is the community-driven movement to reduce the number of black

child mortalities. Through BCLC, seven community organizations, one in each of seven

targeted neighborhoods, are funded to serve as a “Community Incubator Lead.” The campaign has also pioneered the implementation of outstation County Multi-Disciplinary Teams (MDT), with the goal of institutionalizing accessible and culturally relevant services through a unique partnership among county agencies and community-based organizations. 

BCLC strengthens efforts of the Steering Committee on Reduction of African American Child Deaths (RAACD), which works in collaboration with Sacramento County, First 5 Sacramento, the City of Sacramento and multiple community stakeholders and is managed by The Center at Sierra Health Foundation. 

Learn more about the Black Child Legacy Campaign at www.blackchildlegacy.org and the Steering Committee on RAACD at www.shfcenter.org/raacd.


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