“Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down…”
As of this writing, just over half of the eligible US population is fully vaccinated against COVID-19. While “fully” is a moving target — there’s talk of an additional booster shot being recommended not that far down the road — it’s both heartening and saddening that a full half of the population of these “United States” has left so many of us, including our children who cannot as of yet be vaccinated, vulnerable to a virus that’s proven to be both lethal and pernicious.
And we may as well face facts: we’re going to be dealing with COVID for the long haul. The virus isn’t going anywhere any time soon.
With the FDA just having given full approval of the Pfizer vaccine, I’m hopeful that many more will take the plunge and get a jab. With that approval, maybe the vaccine will become just one of the many mandated vaccines that must be taken before kids can start school, for example.
Maybe businesses like restaurants, movie theaters, and sports / concert venues will require the vaccine before allowing entry. Without that requirement, I won’t be going to any of them.
And maybe, we fully inoculated folks can display a little patience when trying to convince our vaccine-hesitant friends and loved ones to take the plunge. I was one of them just a few months ago.
Read freelance writer MPC’s full column.
Michael P Coleman is a Sacramento based freelance writer who has his eye on the Pulitzer Prize. Connect with him at michaelpcoleman.com or follow his blog, his IG and his Twitter.