Petitions, Petitions, Petitions!
We’re moving into the final stretch for petition signatures. Please send a message to your members, employees or constituents asking them to visit our website and sign the petition to put the California Jobs Initiative on the ballot.
Would AB 32 Solve Global Warming?
- “California acting alone cannot reduce emissions sufficiently to change the course of climate change worldwide.” California Air Resources Board
- Updated Economic Analysis of California’s Climate Change Scoping Plan, March 24, 2010
- “A single-state effort would do little to address the larger global challenge, and it would put California at a competitive disadvantage.” Sacramento Bee Editorial, March 14, 2010
- “No other state or nation has yet been inspired to copy AB 32, which means the law would subject California’s economy to unique risks. It makes infinitely more sense to have a national and international approach to dealing with climate change.” San Diego Union Tribune Editorial, March 26, 2010
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