PRODUCE THE NOTE! … has become the latest tactic to use and say in the immediate instance of delaying the foreclosure process on your home. You have to learn to be a fighter in the foreclosure crisis as the Founder of along with several thousands of others that I know are in this fight to SAVE OUR HOMES for the sake of the family! I just watched the video on YAHOO and on CNN about the "produce the note" strategy. STAY INFORMED homeowners and be vigilant about keeping your home no matter what your circumstances are. See the CNN video on "Produce The Note" at Read more at about a woman in Florida who delayed the foreclosure process by stating the words: "produce the note".
You must remember that if this option can’t or doesn’t work for your situation, then you must seek out another resource and/or assistance to help you save your home. There are community resources at your fingertips. If you are a homeowner who has fallen behind in mortgage payments, receiving default/foreclosure notices, or having trouble paying your current adjustable mortgage, please contact the NeighborWorks Homeowner Center (HUD Certified Counseling Agency) in Sacramento at (916) 452-5356 or visit The key word of request, "MODIFICATION OF CURRENT LOAN" to the bank or your loan servicer. Spread the word to others you know in the foreclosure crisis … be a good messenger of need-to-know info!