We are all accustomed to mothers getting involved with their sons’ sports activities such as football and basketball; but what about fathers involved in their daughter’s activities? Outside of soccer and other sporting events for girls, there aren’t many dads taking up seats outside local dance studios while their daughters do ballet or “girly things” as some may call it. This is not the case at the Fathers Resource Center. On any given Saturday you will find Fathers Resource Center fathers dropping off their daughters and dropping in to watch their Princesses prepare for the Little Miss Capital City Pageant (LMCC). The Fathers Resource Center provides meeting and practice space for the LMCC program. In honor of Fathers Day the Fathers Resource Center is recognizing pageant dads. With more and more fathers seeing the need to be supportive and active in their daughter’s lives, more and more dads are learning that in order to enjoy quality time with their daughters, they often have to learn to tolerate, and in many cases enjoy and appreciate activities their daughters enjoy and participate in. The Fathers Resource Center is the host of the Girls Self-Esteem Program which holds its’ annual mentoring program graduation in conjunction with the LittleMiss Capital City Pageant.
Continue reading this article in the “I’m There!” e-newsletter presented by the Fathers Resource Center posted at http://www.fatherscenter.org/pdf/june.pdf
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