So in my 10-week journey (started 5/18) of my diet/weight loss self challenge, I discovered that my CLOSET was in total CLUTTER and CALAMITY.  And, my bedroom was in a total mode for a makeover.  I HIRED my beloved mommie to help with reorganizing my bedroom, giving it a facelift, and assisting me with cleaning out my closet. I told my mom, I was tired of coming home and walking yet into another office (my bedroom of clutter) and not feeling an escape of RESTING! As whenever I would go to her house and enter her bedroom, it is so beautifully decorated and I always feel like just laying on the floor at the foot of her high fluffy bed and just relaxing. 

So one weekend this past month, she started her quest in helping me organize my room.  When I had come home after a couple of hours she had been working to reorganize, I entered my room only to find EVERYTHING in my closets throwed in the middle of the floor on my bed … I was crushed (my mom used to always do this when we were kids when our room was a mess)! My mom stated, "It’s time to throw away and get rid of some of these OLD and UGLY clothes you still have." I was like so overwhelmed as I thought I NEEDED everything but noticed that after looking at all these old pieces of clothing, I wasn’t wearing half of them and a lot of my jeans were fitting me anymore.  So I was like "OKAY" – let’s get rid of some of this stuff. 

Turns out we got rid of a LOT of stuff … more than 1/2 my closet of stuff. My mom and sister do this (clean out their closets) on a regular – at least twice a year.  Their motto is if you haven’t worn it within the past year, throw it out.  And, if jeans don’t fit you and your shape, get rid of the jeans of which I totally agree. I’m only going to shop for jeans that totally fit and our flattering to my shape.  This is important because all of us our shaped differently and there are certain designer jeans that are made to fit a particular shape especially when you need a lift to your derrier (that is your buttocks and/or rear-end).

So why my long drawn out personal story on "Cleaning out your closet"? Because I’m losing weight (as I’ve lost 10 lbs  so far -yeahhhh!), I’m wanting to change and have a new wardrobe and a new look.  When you clean out your closet, you start to feel renewed.  I’ve started to feel very particular about the new pieces of clothing that I buy as well.

My mom and my sister are for hire, as they are the experts in reorganizing and interior decorating to fit your needs.  I wish I had BEFORE photos of my bedroom but I don’t! But, I can tell you that I absolutely LOVE my bedroom now as it is soothing and relaxing and there is NO television in it for the kids to barge in and lounge all over my bed and mess up!

And I can SEE into and through my closet and actually find stuff. To arrange for a consultation with my mom (Cherry Douglas) or my sister (Kali "Toochie" Cuffee), contact me at (916) 470-2337 or e-mail

Written by Pleshette Robertson, CEO & Founder of and Chief Editor of THE HUB Magazine




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