13 Easy Ways to Improve Your Immune System Naturally in 2013
By LaKenya McClough, MPH
Happy New Year family! Given the recent spike in flu incidences in California and across the country, I thought it might be helpful to highlight a few more options on how to stay healthy this season. In this article, I’m sharing with you 13 different and simple ways you can naturally boost your immune system. These are not new ideas. In fact, they are easy everyday practices that when adopted on a regular basis can make a world of difference for your health and may even help prevent you from getting the flu!
Over the next 13 I’ll be posting a tip per day on simple, easy, and natural ways to protect and boost your immune system!
Tip #2 of 13 — Meditation
De-stress using meditation. Having less stress not only makes you feel emotionally better, but it’s also good for your body and immune system. Meditation reduces the incidence of illness by “de-stressing the body and mind.”(Med page Today) Several studies have shown that “just 20 minutes of meditation a day increases endorphins (the feel good hormones), decreases Cortisol levels (stress hormones related to weight gain), and fosters positive states of mind. Current research has shown that Transcendental Meditation or TM has many health benefits for African Americans including improved blood pressure, diabetes, and heart health.
To get started, first try finding a good quiet space either indoors or outdoors to meditate. A quiet space or corner in your home where you can be free from interruptions may be ideal (K. Allen, for MadameNoire.com) Or even a special outdoors place like the ocean, a lake or beach. Other inspiring sceneries are often found in backyards, gardens, or a local park. Just be sure you’re safe and it feels peaceful.
Finally, it’s important to carve out at least 20 minutes of uninterrupted time for yourself. If you’re part of a busy family or just have a hectic schedule, you may find time at the beginning of the day or at night before you go to bed.
For more information on how African Americans are using meditation to improve their heath, click here.
Click here to see Tip #1 of 13