Bean Chiropractic
Bean Chiropractic

Bean Chiropractic

The average American gains about a pound average during the holiday season. That doesn’t sound like much, but most people continue to hold on to the extra weight permanently. So over the course of a decade, that adds up to some fairly substantial padding. It’s not surprising that after the last present is opened and the calendar flips to a new year, a good percentage of us declare it’s time to get in shape and lose weight.


I don’t think resolutions are bad. In fact, I think they can be very productive. The problem is that by mid-January, about 30 percent of resolutioners have already slacked off, and fewer than half still stick with their plan by the six-month mark.

Why is this? I think it’s because most people blurt out their resolution declarations as they are raising a glass or as they struggle with the zipper on their holiday party dress. If you want a resolution that you’ll actually follow, you have to get serious about it. And so, in the spirit of shedding that bothersome holiday pound and holiday pounds past, here are some ways you can give your New Year’s resolutions some traction. Just make sure you’re NOT guilty of any of the following.


Over Do It

Enthusiasm is key when you’re trying to lose weight, but jumping in headfirst without any sense of pacing, and you’ll likely fail. Any good plan requires good planning; when it comes to weight loss you need sensible goals and a plan of attack that’s reasonable, not extreme. Deprive yourself of all your favorite foods or become a slave to the gym, and you’ll burn out fast.

Make Excuses

Whether you’re fit as a fiddle or struggling with your weight, we’ve all had those days when working out and eating right were last on our list. The difference is in the choices we make, to fit in that workout or prepare that healthy meal, regardless of time constraints; or make every excuse imaginable for why we can’t. Remember, you’re only as busy as you convince yourself you are.

Lose Focus

Focus is the ultimate tool for achieving any goal; that means focusing on exactly what you’re trying to accomplish and then making sure you retain that focus throughout the process. Start off vaguely and with limited direction, and you’ll steer south before you know it. Instead, outline how much weight you want to lose, when you want to lose it by, and exactly how you’ll get there, step by step.

If you have questions concerning this article please contact your health care provider or feel free to give Dr. Bean a call at Bean Chiropractic (916) 447-2200. You may also email him at

Sidney B. Bean, DC
Bean Chiropractic, 2716 V Street , Sacramento, CA 95818


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