The City of Sacramento launched an Android version of a 311 App on Tuesday, November 20, 2012.
According to the City, about 51 percent all smart phone users are Android users, so the City focused on getting the new version developed immediately after launching an iPhone app and mobile web service three months ago. Together, these technologies are making it easier for citizens to report common issues. Examples of the top 311 issues are potholes, traffic signal malfunctions, missed garbage service, illegal dumping, and stray animals.
The apps are the region’s first end-to-end product, meaning the information put in by the user will automatically get to the appropriate City staff, without requiring 311 staff to retype and relay the information.
The Android and iPhone apps are expected to help the City improve customer service and employee efficiency, and save the City money. Graviton Consulting Services Inc. assisted the City with the app development.
The City’s call center now handles approximately 1,300 calls and 75 emails each day. With the budget constraints of recent years, staffing has been limited to 22.5 full-time positions for 24/7 operation 365 days a year. . With both apps and companion web service in place, the City hopes the number of callers hanging up while on hold will go down. Before the introduction of the iPhone app and mobile web service, about 100,000 calls a year were lost.
The Android app, iPhone app and companion web service:
- Reduce the number of hang-ups
- Improve the customer service experience
- Decrease call handling times
- Increase response and reporting effectiveness
- Provide another self-service communication mode for citizens in addition to phoning 311 and
email - Increase efficiency of departments by providing prompt and accurate information
The applications can be accessed and downloaded from the City’s website or from the Apple or Google Play stores by searching “Sacramento 311.”