by Michael P Coleman
The 2020 race for the White House is shaping up to be quite the roller coaster ride, and that’s before we even take a listen to whatever The Orange One is saying, or tweeting, on any given day.
Just in the last 24 hours, both former golden gay child Pete Buttigieg and Senator Amy Klobuchar have dropped out of the race for the democratic nomination. Neither had earned my vote. At press time, it’s being reported they’re both about to endorse their former rival and former Vice President, Uncle Joe Biden.
After losing Andrew Yang, I got behind Biden again, gaffs and memory lapses aside. He’s the one, in my estimation, who can take Trump down, and that should be the goal of this election. I just can’t get behind Bernie — nor should any other democrat, as long as Sanders remains a registered independent hell bent on bern-ing the party down.
But I’ve got to say that Elizabeth Warren is my second choice. I was not an early fan. She reminded me too much of one of my nosy neighbors down the street, and gave the impression that she was lecturing as much, if not more, than speaking. She was also too nice for me early on, trying too hard to present a unified Democratic Party at a time when it is anything but.
But in the last few weeks, she’s pulled out of the pack with both barrels blazing.
Read MPC’s full editorial, before you cast your vote on Super Tuesday!
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