R&B singer Erykah Badu, who hasn’t put out a record since 2010, was trending Wednesday and not in a good way: She suggested in an interview that maybe Hitler wasn’t all bad, in part because he was a “wonderful painter.”
She said this in a long interview with Vulture published Wednesday, in which she talked about many subjects, including her 2008 visit to Israel where she said she supported the Palestinian cause and Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, despite his alleged anti-Semitism.
“I’m OK with anything I had to say about Louis Farrakhan,” she told her interlocutor, David Marchese. “But I’m not an anti-Semitic person. I don’t even know what anti-Semitic was before I was called it. I’m a humanist. I see good in everybody. I saw something good in Hitler.”
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