Save Mart and the City of Sacramento will celebrate reaching the $1 million goal of the “Save Our Pools” Campaign to keep all municipal pools open this summer with a celebration at the opening day of Pannell Meadowview Recreational Pool in Sacramento on Monday, June 18 at 4pm.
Pools open as a result of the fund-raiser include the same pools that were open in 2011:
- Clunie Pool & Wading Pool, 601 Alhambra Blvd. in McKinley Park, Phone: 808-5301; Opens June 19/closes September 3
- Doyle Pool & Wading Pool, Phone: 566-6420; Opens June 12/Closes August 12
- Johnston Pool & Wading Pool, 231 Eleanor Ave., Phone: 566-6421. Opens June 11/Closes August 12
- McClatchy Pool & Wading Pool, 35th St. and 5th Ave. in McClatchy Park. Phone: 277-6041.Opens June 18/Closes August 26
- Pannell Meadowview, 2450 Meadowview Rd. Phone: 808-6622. Opens June 18/Closes Sept. 3
- George Sim Pool & Wading Pool, 6207 Logan St. Phone: 382-3768. Opens June 19/Closes Aug. 26
For more information, call 808-6622.