I’m still on a high over our next president’s choice for a running mate, Senator Kamala Harris. It’s a history making appointment, and will make this week’s Democratic National Convention even more of a “must see” event. It all kicks off Monday evening.
I was already looking forward to seeing how DNC event organizers would capture the excitement of a political convention in our COVID-19, socially-distanced world. But the anticipation’s been amped up with Harris being added to Biden’s ticket. She’s the first black and first Asian vice presidential nominee, and only the third woman to be on the ticket. I can hardly wait for Harris’s history-making acceptance speech.
As it turns out, history buffs should have seen Biden’s choice coming, as he had the idea almost 50 years ago! That’s right — in 1976, Biden suggested that presidential nominee Jimmy Carter name a woman as his Vice President!
Read freelance writer MPC’s full story, and find out who almost beat Kamala Harris to the VP seat!
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