Photo: Charles Dharapak, AP
President Obama is reportedly turning to Twitter to help promote his “fiscal cliff” plan, according to an article on
According to the article, The White House has set up a new Twitter hashtag: “My2K,” which references the extra $2,200 in taxes it says the average family will pay if all the George W. Bush-era tax cuts expire at the end of the year. Obama’s plan reportedly asks Congress to extend the Bush tax cuts for middle class Americans, while ending them for Americans who make more than $250,000.
Click here to read the full article.
And on Thursday, Obama will reportedly host former Republican candidate Mitt Romney at the White House for a private lunch, according to an article on
According to the article, the invite follows Obama’s promise after the November 6 election to consult with the Romney before the end of the year.
Click here to read the full article.