Referring to President Trump’s rollback of several Obama-era protections, the head of the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) called Trump “the worst president on LGBTQ issues ever” on Thursday.
During an interview on Rising, a news show airing on Hill.TV, HRC president Alphonso David made the comment, pointing to Trump administration’s new rule that would allow faith-based foster care and adoption groups to exclude LGBT parents, reports The Hill.
Hill.TV co-host Saagar Enjeti responded that Trump is “openly pro-gay marriage” and that David’s claim seemed “facile and ridiculous.”
The HRC leader stressed that Trump is “attacking LGBTQ people for who they are.”
“We are living in an uncharted territory where LGBT people are being attacked every single day by the Trump administration and the [Department of Health and Human Services] rule is just one of many examples where the Trump administration is targeting gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and queer people,” said David.
He also argued that perceived discrimination is happening within a number of federal agencies, including the Department of Labor.
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