Photo courtesy AP-Associated Press
World AIDS Day (12/1), held each year to commemorate the millions of lives affected by the AIDS epidemic, has a new mission: “Getting to Zero” by 2015.
For a disease that has taken 25 million lives in the past three decades, this year’s campaign is pushing for an end to AIDS-related deaths, new infections and discrimination, according to the campaign’s official statement.
Remarkable strides have been made in the fields of prevention and research.
In the past two years, the number of people with access to antiretroviral medication increased by 63 percent. In the past decade, there has been a 50 percent drop in new HIV infections across 25 countries, according to the UNAIDS World Aids Day Report. In the U.S., several nonprofit organizations have sought measures to prevent and eradicate the disease.
CLICK HERE, for more info on resources nationally. See info below regarding resources in California:
CARES-Center for AIDS Research, Education & Services. As the largest HIV/AIDS nonprofit clinic in the Sacramento region, CARES is a place of hope for thousands of people from all over the Central Valley who need testing, clinic services and counseling.
Golden Rule Services is a nonprofit, minority based organization that resolves health, education, employment and criminal justice disparities in People of Color communities through culturally competent programs and resources. is an online guide to resources for people infected or affected by HIV or AIDS who reside in Los Angeles County.
Office of AIDS in Sacramento at the California Department of Public Health has lead responsibility for coordinating state programs, services, and activities relating to HIV/AIDS.