So it seems like every teenage girl wants to appear ten years older with their style of dress and way of speech. Most age groups of under 25 are being led in a different direction by a certain peer group that makes it virtually impossible for these young people to keep up with them. This group is that of a young popular sub-culture, a media-frenzied phenomenon including such names as: Beyonce, Rihanna, Nicki Minaj, Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber… the list goes on. Beyonce was first brought on the scene with a clean, sexy wholesome image that has since been tarnished by semi-nude, overdone music videos and more explicit lyrical content. Rihanna, Nicki, and Miley have done so much to influence the way young girls dress, apply make-up, and act in public. This effect has been a negative one with so much innocence be covered up and eventually lost behind a need that the youth desires to feel like a somebody. Does it really take pounds of make-up and a plastic personality to have an identity in today’s society, if so then it’s not an original identity, but just another copycat. No one wishes to see another phony so please stop the madness… and lets get it together.

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Submitted By: Contributing Writer ShanayaMonique


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