Spread the Good News of Scholarships Available. Check out 2014 General Scholarship Information & Resources. Don’t miss this opportunity to apply now.
California Black Chamber Foundation has $1000 available for high school seniors and college freshmen (age 17-25). Must have GPA of 2.0 – 3.5. Attend the Youth Summit and Chairman’s Scholarship Luncheon at the Ron Brown Business and Economic Summit in Los Angeles on Saturday August 23rd or have a parent/guardian attend in your place. Apply online at www.calbcc.org. Deadline is July 28th. For more information contact Aja Jones, ajones@calbcc.org, phone 916-463-0178. Download application here.
Black Parallel School Board: Application due date: Monday, March 31, 2014 by 5 o’clock p.m. no exceptions. If you have any questions about the application, please call Lailah Muwwakkil, Black Parallel School Board Scholarship Coordinator. (916) 484-3729 or by email at info@blackparallelschoolboard.com or visit: http://www.blackparallelschoolboard.com/16.html
The Sacramento Area Black Caucus, Inc. will award Rosenwald “Robbie” Robertson Scholarships this Spring. Deadline for completed applications is April 5th, 2014. For more visit: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B0WRavrdGIJTelJ4bG1Oa1VFb2s/edit?pli=1
SUNDAY, APRIL 6th: The SOL project is looking for students to participate in a CHALK ART CONTEST and litter clean up as part of a celebration of Sacramento Regional Transit’s new smoke free policy. My name is Kimberly and I am the Project Director to a local tobacco prevention program called the SOL Project. SOL is an acronym for Saving Our legacy, African Americans for smoke free safe places. SOL will celebrate Sacramento Regional Transit District’s new 100% smoke-free policy with a sidewalk chalk art contest and tobacco litter clean up at the Meadowview Light Rail Station on Sunday, April 6th, 2014, 2:00-5:00PM. The contest is open to all, but teen’s ages 13 to 18 are encouraged to participate and earn community service. The theme is “Celebrate RT Smoke-Free”. We will provide art supplies and snacks. Art will need to be photographed and placed on our Facebook page for voting. The first place winner will receive a $50 gift card and a 2nd and 3rd place winner will receive a $25 gift card each. Please share the e-blast info link at: http://www.sacculturalhub.com/entertainment-and-news/e-blasts/4065-the-sol-project-presents-rt-smoke-free-celebration-and-chalk-art-contest
The Luela M. Goff Memorial Scholarship: The Luela M. Goff Memorial Scholarship is open to a senior student in any of Sacramento City Unified School District’s high schools. DUE DATE:Applications must be received no later than, Tuesday, April 8. All letters of recommendation are to be opened and stapled with the packet. Packets can either be dropped off or mailed to the following address: Sacramento City Unified School District, Teresa Cummings, Chief Accountability Officer, Box 718, Attn: Linda McNeill, Scholarship Contact, 5735 47th Avenue ,Sacramento, California 95824
SPLAWN SCHOLARSHIP: The Splawn Scholarship requires that all the documents be scanned and uploaded directly to the website. The scholarship is worth up to $1000.00 per student. The deadline for the scholarship is Tuesday, April 15, 2014 by 11:50PM. For more info Visit:www.fsrequests.com/splawnscholarship2014.
DEADLINE to submit scholarship applications May 16, 2014: Enter now: Young Exceptional Women of Color (Y-EWOC) Scholarship Competition. Don’t miss this opportunity to submit your essay and/or YouTube video clip entitled “What Makes an Exceptional Women of Color?”. Deadline to submit the Y-EWOC Scholarship Form and your essay and/or video clip is 12 midnight on Friday, May 16, 2014. To download the scholarship form, go to: http://www.sacculturalhub.com/2014_y-ewoc-sch-competition_official-app-frm_03-03-14.pdf. Two (2) scholarship awards to be presented in the amount of $500 each at the 2014 Exceptional Women of Color Networking Brunch Conference on Saturday, September 13, 2014 at the Hilton Sacramento Arden West. Share the eblast info:
ONGOING: Gift Certificates to Participate in Survey. Come participate in a 3 hour focus group and get paid a $30 gift card.The African American Tobacco Control Leadership Council is developing a new campaign for African American youth and we need your opinions and insights on how to best reach young people. Your participation in a focus group is voluntary and your input will be confidential. We encourage you to pass this info onto others who are should participate – African-American male between the ages of 15-18 years old who live in Sacramento. For more information and to see if you are eligible to attend please call Twlia Laster at 888.881.6619 between the hours of 4 pm and 8 pm. Share this e-blast info posted at: http://www.sacculturalhub.com/entertainment-and-news/e-blasts/4028-aatclc-focus-group-in-sacramento
Sacramento City Unified School District’s College and Career Center: Visit:http://www.scusd.edu/student-resources
UC Davis Outside Agency Resources: For more info visit:http://financialaid.ucdavis.edu/scholarships/Outside.html.
Elk Grove Unified School District’s College & Career Center: Visit:http://blogs.egusd.net/collegeandcareer OR http://blogs.egusd.net/collegeandcareer/financing/scholarships
CLA Scholarship for Minority Students in Memory of Edna Yelland – See more at:http://www.studentscholarshipsearch.com/scholarships/cla-scholarship-for-minority-students-in-memory-of-edna-yelland.php#sthash.9eIkqFsx.dpuf or visit: http://www.cla-net.org/displaycommon.cfm?an=1&subarticlenbr=107
2014 Scholarship Information compiled by the Sacramento Area Black Caucus, The Black Group, Black Parallel School Board, NIA Women of Purpose and the Black United Fund of Sacramento Valley. For more info e-mail: fayek@springmail.com
The Sacramento Chapter of Physicians for Social Responsibility will be offering a high school scholarship essay contest again in 2014, for the 10th consecutive year. The prompt for this year’s contest, chosen by a vote of our members, is a quotation from the late South African leader and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Nelson Mandela, who said, “Education is the most powerful weapon that you can use to change the world.” As in past years, the 2014 Scholarship Essay Contest will be open to high school seniors in Sacramento and surrounding counties (Alpine, Amador, Calaveras, El Dorado, Nevada, Placer, San Joaquin, Solano, Sutter, Yolo, and Yuba). A total of $15,000 in scholarship money will be awarded to 12 students. To enter the contest, high school seniors must submit an original essay of 500 words or fewer describing their thoughts about the Nelson Mandela quotation. The deadline for essay submission is midnight on Wednesday, March 12, 2014. The top 10 finalists and two alternates will be selected by April 14, 2014. If you have other questions about the contest or would like additional information, email essaycontest@sacpsr.org or call (916) 955-6333 or visit:http://www.sacpsr.org
To be eligible for Cal Grants, students must complete their FAFSA by March 2, 2014 and submit their grade point average (GPA) to the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC). CSAC will match the GPA information of a student with their FAFSA to determine their Cal Grant eligibility. Visit: http://www.csac.ca.gov/doc.asp?id=20
Sacramento Hotel Association: The scholarship is a one-time $1,000 grant administered by the recipient’s educational institution’s Scholarship Office. The grant is to be used for tuition/registration fees. Application and materials deadline: February 28, 2014. For more info visit: http://www.sacramentohotelassociation.com/pdfs/scholarship/ScholarshipForm2014.pdf
National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) awards scholarships annually to deserving students interested in pursuing careers in journalism. Scholarships are worth up to $2,500. All applications must be submitted online by the specified deadline. Application Deadline for all Scholarships: March 21, 2014. For more info visit: http://nabj.site-ym.com/?SEEDScholars2013.