The following is taken from the Sierra Health Foundation Partnerships July 2012 e-newsletter.
Through our Youth Pathways to Health grantmaking, we lead or support efforts to ensure those young people at greatest risk of poor outcomes have opportunities to find on-ramps to a healthy developmental path. This year we’ve joined partners who are addressing reading proficiency, chronic absenteeism and summer learning loss – all known risk factors that contribute to the region’s dropout rate and achievement gap.
Sacramento is one of 124 cities, counties and towns to become a charter member of the Campaign for Grade-Level Reading Communities Network. We’ve partnered with Sacramento READS! to support the local literacy campaign to improve reading proficiency for students by strengthening literacy programming in at least three elementary schools. Learn more on the Sacramento READS! web site
To address chronic absenteeism, the Sacramento City Unified School District is collaborating with Community Link and the UC Davis Center for Regional Change to analyze student attendance data to determine current levels of absenteeism by variables such as school, grade, gender, ethnicity, special education, English language learners and socioeconomic status. This analysis will assess which schools, populations and places are in need of additional support. We joined The California Endowment to support this important work. Learn more on the UC Davis Center for Regional Change web site.
The UC Davis School of Education’s Summer Matters program promotes a regional professional learning community to support high-quality summer programs that address summer learning loss, improved learning and enrichment, and student health. We’ve joined partners Sacramento County Office of Education, Sacramento City Unified School District, the National Summer Learning Association, The David & Lucile Packard Foundation and Walmart in supporting this program. Learn more on the UC Davis School of Education’s Summer Matters web page.