Black Voices About Politics Put on Display in Film Short “Authentic “
Real Talk in the Barber Shop
The film short Authentic, directed by The Deluz Brothers from Sacramento, CA, is now available for streaming on Vimeo On Demand.    
Click here to view the trailer.  Authentic takes on the age-old topic of whether there is one voice, one perspective, that represents the views of the Black community: all in the confines of the neighborhood barber shop
It begins with these familiar words “if you don’t vote for me then you ain’t Black” and “you should vote for me because, what have you got to lose”. Conservative, progressive, and moderate voices provide more clarity than the so-called experts, intellectuals, lawyers, and political pundits we hear from so often.
The barber shop can be a sacred place. It’s where clients and members of the community can bare their souls and let it all hang out with candid exchanges about issues of the day that range from news of the neighborhood and the latest dirt about who did what to who. Politics, international affairs, or philosophy, nothing is off limits. Add a spice of humor and sometimes in-your-face candor and talk in the barber shop can be more invigorating and even more informative than the latest network or cable Sunday talk shows.
For years, the DeLuz Brothers have been a staple in Sacramento area media best known for their political and cultural commentary. They have been featured in print, television and radio, including the Sacramento Bee, KCRA Channel 3, Talk 650’s Armstrong & Getty Show and the Eric Houge Show on AM 1380 KTKZ click here
David describes himself as a progressive Democrat. Craig on the other hand is a conservative Republican. Their diverse perspectives and brotherly bond bring a fun and lively twist to the discussion of cultural, political, and social issues of the day.
Craig has more than 25 years in media, political activism, policy advocacy and grassroots activism and has been featured in multiple film and stage productions. David is a long-time political activist, led major policy initiatives. He is a newcomer to film and has over a decade of experience as a voice-over actor and spokesperson, as well as an on-air radio and television personality. 
Real talk in the barber shop. Come on in, take a seat, and join the conversation.


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