California Dream Fund Grant Program Applications Now Open
The California Dream Fund Grant Program was created in 2021 by Senate Bill No. 151 to provide microgrants up to $10,000 to seed entrepreneurship and small business creation in underserved small business groups that are facing capital and opportunity gaps.
The Dream Fund is intended to seed entrepreneurship, fill opportunity gaps for underserved small business owners to help them reach greater parity in startups, initial revenue creation, and job creation. The purpose of the funding is to provide financial support and seed entrepreneurship married with technical assistance to aspiring entrepreneurs in underserved business groups, including businesses owned by women, minorities, veterans, individuals without documentation, individuals with limited English proficiency, and business owners located in low-wealth and rural communities. Eligibility criteria applies.
The application for the California Dream Fund Grant is NOW OPEN. Grant applications close March 25, 2022 or once 300 applications have been submitted, whichever comes first.
You can find full details on the CAPCC website here:
Additionally, there will also be a CA Dream Fund Grant Informational Webinar on Friday, 3/18 @ 10am PST. See details below.
California Dream Fund Grant Informational Webinar
Date: Friday, March; 18, 2022
Time: 10:00am – 10:45am PST
Click here to register