Dr. Seuss’ How The Grinch Stole Christmas! The Musical — A Review

By Michael P Coleman

It’s been an unprecedented week of theatre for me. Even during our pre-COVID, when I was going out a lot more than I do these days, I don’t believe I’d seen three different productions during three consecutive days. I’m including Hollywood’s luminous new The Color Purple in that tally, along with my first viewing of The Lion King’s Tony Award-winning stage production, in San Francisco.

I just added to that tally with the touring production of Dr. Seuss’ How The Grinch Stole Christmas! The Musical. While both The Color Purple and The Lion King exceeded my expectations, and in some ways made me love both stories even more, I didn’t believe that would be the case with The Grinch.

I’m old school, loving only the original 1966 Chuck Jones animated short, featuring Boris Karloff. I am not a fan of the Jim Carrey version from 2000 at all. In fact, I don’t believe I sat through the entire thing.

And while the 2017 animated version is a keeper, it’s not mandatory viewing every year like that original is. I’ve already watched it once this holiday season, and may check it out again before I take my Christmas decorations down.

And I keep a can of Who Hash hidden in the back of my cupboard, just in case that ol’ Grinch shows up.

But I’d had a rough couple of days just prior to last night’s show, so I decided to take my baby sister’s advice and check it out. I’m glad I did. It was just the pick-me-up that I needed.

Standouts included Joshua Woodie’s over-the-top Grinch. He actually works a pole in this show! Brian Cedric Jones very cutely captured Young Max. And Aerina DeBoer’s Cindy-Lou Who was adorable — you’d have had to be a Grinch to steal her Christmas tree!

Photo courtesy of Jeremy Daniel

A couple of scenes were executed exceptionally well. The Grinch and Max’s trek down Mount Crumpit to Whoville was one of them, as was the beloved song “You’re A Mean One, Mr. Grinch.” Other songs added to the production (this is a musical, after all, so one or two songs wouldn’t cut it, would they?) didn’t quite live up to that one, but that’s a pretty high bar.

The show itself is, predictably, funny and very family-friendly, and even included a requisite flatulence joke that seemed designed to elicit laughs from the little ones. It landed perfectly — as did the rest of the show. Speaking of kids, there were more children at the SAFE Credit Union Performing Arts Center than I’d ever seen there, and they all ate it up. During this show, it even snows during the finale!

Note that the 90-ish minute show is performed without an intermission, which was great for those aforementioned little ones. However, you might want to encourage Grandpa to cut back on the pre-show sips or make a bathroom stop before the curtain goes up.

I’ve often said that the little ones can lead us. Whether it’s the cute little girl sitting next to me with her mom, taking the show in with wide-eyed wonder, or my own little sister, who encouraged me to get off of my duff and go to that show, I’m glad that I can still see the world through a kid’s eyes…if only for a 90 minute stage show.

The other night in that darkened theatre, my heart grew…eh, at least a half a size. I wasn’t in that bad a mood going in.

Dr. Seuss’ How The Grinch Stole Christmas? The Musical plays through Sunday, December 31 at the SAFE Credit Union Performing Arts Center. Tickets are available at BroadwaySacramento.com.

Connect with freelance content creator Michael P Coleman at MichaelPColeman.com.

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