Senator Price’s SB 67 Establishing 25% Participation Goal for California Certified Small Business Passes out of Assembly Committee on Jobs, Economic Development and the Economy
Senate Bill 67 that authorizes the Department of General Services (DGS) to direct all state agencies, departments, boards and commissions, which engage in state procurement and contracting, to establish a 25 percent contract participation goal of California certified small businesses, passed out of the Assembly Jobs, Economic Development and the Economy Committee by a unanimous 5-0 vote on Tuesday.
The legislation authored by Senator Curren D. Price, Jr., also picked up two co-authors, including Committee Chair Manuel Perez and Committee member Ben Hueso. The bill received support from Republicans as Committee Vice Chair Shannon Grove and Assemblyman Mike Morrell cast aye votes for the measure.
The bill also authorizes the DGS to establish reporting requirements and other policies and procedures to evaluate small business participation in state contracts as well as establish corrective action plans for entities not meeting their goals.
“Small business is a key economic driver of job growth and economic development and continues to play a leading role in the state’s economic recovery efforts,” said Senator Price, Chair of the Senate’s Business, Professions and Economic Development Committee.
“Maintaining a strong small business participation requirement on state-funded contracts promotes competition that helps control state costs and ensures that state agencies receive a good deal on their state contracts,” he added
This bill codifies two former Governors’ Executive Orders and ensures that the ground small business has gained in state procurement and contracting during the last few years will continue in the future, regardless of party, Price added.
For Immediate Release
Contact: Fahizah Alim
(916) 651-4026
June 22, 2011
Source: SBCC-Sacramento Black Chamber of Commerce e-Biz Newsletter July 2011 No. 1