Photo courtesy Hasbro

After countless years of family entertainment, the iconic board game Monopoly has decided to update the tokens we have all come to know and love – the dog, the wheel-barrel, the iron, the car, the top hat, the shoe, the thimble, the battleship – by retiring one permanently in jail, and asking Monopoly lovers to vote on its replacement.

Through Monopoly’s Facebook page, game enthusiasts have the opportunity to vote for which piece should be retired, and which should take it’s place. The new tokens to vote on include a cat, a diamond ring, a guitar, a helicopter, and a toy robot.

Right now both the top hat and wheel-barrel are in jeopardy, so if those are your favorite tokens, get your votes in now!

According to an article on, a “Golden Token” version of the game will be issued in February through Target stores that will be the last edition to have all the classic tokens, and a new version of the game featuring the new token will hit store shelves this summer.


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