Studies funded by the UC-administered Tobacco-Related Disease Research Program (TRDRP) have found that the tobacco industry continues to target children, especially those in African American neighborhoods.
TRDRP scientists will present those findings and more at a Legislative Briefing on Thursday, April 19 from 2:30-4pm at the UC Center, Lower Level Conference Room, 1130 K Street, in Sacramento.
Speakers at the legislative briefing will reportedly include:
- Michael Ong, MD, chairperson of the Tobacco Education Research Oversight Committee (TEROC) and assistant professor at the UCLA Department of Medicine, Division of General Internal Medicine and Health Services Research – “The TEROC Master Plan: Important Strategies to Counter the Aggression of the Tobacco Industry”
- Philip Gardiner, Dr. PH, officer of the Policy and Regulatory Sciences Program, University of California Office of the President, TRDRP – “Funding and Disseminating Policy Relevant Research”
- Lisa Henriksen, PhD, senior research scientists for the Stanford University Prevention Research Center – “Predatory Marketing of Tobacco Products Among California’s Vulnerable Populations”
- Robert Lipton, PhD, associated professor for the Department of Emergency Medicine at the Medical School of the University of Michigan – “The Impact of Tobacco Outlets on California School Children”
- Carol McGruder, co-chair of the African America Tobacco Control Leadership Council – “The Tobacco Industry’s Aggression Will No Longer be Tolerated in California’s African American Community”
For more information, contact Dr. Philip Gardiner at 510-987-9853 or visit