By: Contributing Writer ShanayaMonique


RESPECT. Where did it go? Did young brothers simply forget one of the biggest factors which contributed to the success of black people(s). I remember reading about a people who would hold their tongue and refrain from speaking the first thought that jumped into their minds.

I remember reading of a people who dare not question the authority of what was thought to be a superiority. Way back when there was a man working hard to save his family and his generation; I can envision a black man straining everything he must in order to survive, in that his family might also do the same. I can envision a strong, self-sustaining family. Where did it all go? It is gone? What are we living for? Is it still a better tomorrow? Where are we headed to? Is it still moving forward? To have faith for a better tomorrow is absolutely necessary? But has our generation to come lost their faith? These are questions that many seek an answer to.

The people still maintaining their good name will go on working and lead the way for the others watching so please don’t fall. In due time we will all see a different season. But I do believe that this a season of labor. Work and work. To keep a stable mental capacity in the midst of outside turmoil is a gift. I wonder who can embody this.

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