Register today for Body & Soul Powerful Health Training.
Body & Soul is a program designed for African American churches to embrace and celebrate good health through healthy eating. Many churches have successfully used Body & Soul to inspire members to nourish their bodies as well as their souls.
The Network for a Healthy California – African American Campaign, American Heart Association, Greater Christ Temple Church of Stockton and a host of community partners invite you to attend our Body & Soul-Powerful Health Training, Saturday, May 14, 2011.
Guest Speaker: Rev. Dr. Gloria Williams (in photo) of Faith Fellowship Church of Sacramento
Who should attend? Pastors, First Ladies, health ministry leads and other church representatives interested in learning how to start, manage, maintain and evaluate a Body & Soul Powerful Health Program.
What to expect:
During this spirit filled, hands-on training, you will learn:
• How to implement the Body & Soul Powerful Health Program.
• How to work with church leadership and community partners to build a church environment that supports healthy eating and active living
• Steps to motivate and present a fun and interactive Body & Soul Powerful Health Program
Additional training aspects include the Four Pillars of Body & Soul:
- o A Pastor who is committed and involved
o Church activities that promote healthy eating
o A Church environment that promotes healthy eating
o Peer counseling that motivates church members to eat a healthy diet and be active
For CalFresh information, call 1-877-847-3663. Funded in part by USDA SNAP, an equal opportunity provider and employer. Visit for healthy tips. California Department of Public Health.
For more info e-mail Cynthia Robinson, Program Administrator, Health Education Council at or visit to complete the registration form. Space is limited.
See more health events coming up posted at that include:
- Every Fourth Saturday – Free Cooking Classes at Grant High School. Contact Fatima Malik to sign up or call (916) 556-3344.
- Kids Get UP and Moving Physical Activity and Nutrition Forum in Stockton on May 5th
- Health Education Council will be holding its 5th Annual Benefit Golf Tournament in Davis on
- Friday, June 3rd.