PHOTO: Courtesy Sacramento Convention & Visitors Bureau
Believe it or not, Labor Day Weekend is upon us, and that’s mean there’s some great fun to be had this weekend!
Make sure to check Sac Cultural Hub’s event calendar for a full list of what’s going on!
The Sacramento Bee has their top picks for fun things to do this weekend, from the Sacramento Greek Festival to the a free day of yoga on Monday at various studios around Sacramento.
Sacramento Press’ top picks include the annual Gold Rush Days in Old Sacramento and the Chalk It Up! festival.
In the Bay Area, it’s important to note the Bay Bridge will be closed this weekend as they work to get the new span underway.
However, there’s still lots of activities going on. The annual Kings Mountain Art Fair in Woodside is one of them.
And there’s the Sausalito Art Festival, Martinez Family Fest, and Monterey Labor Day Festival, according to the Sacramento Bee.
Regardless of how you celebrate this weekend, have a very safe and fun Labor Day!