For better or worse, Marlon Wayans — he of “Little Man” and “G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra,” among others — is going to play Richard Pryor in an upcoming biopic. Given his limited but praised dramatic experience, Wayans seems an unlikely pick for the part, but until we see some meaningful footage of the actor as the late comedian, it’s not entirely fair to judge Wayans’ merits just yet. Still, with production on “Richard Pryor: Is It Something I Said?” was set to begin Fall 2010, the time for judgment is almost at hand.
“This is like an invitation to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro for me, and I’ve never been more excited in my life than when I got the role,” Wayans told The Los Angeles Times about the upcoming film, which he begins shooting in the fall under the directorial eye of Bill Condon. “I want to be in dramas, I want to produce, I want to write and I want to prove I can handle a role such as this one.” >>read more