The celebration of Easter begins with learning more about the miracles, the crucifixion, and the resurrection of Christ Jesus in the Book of Mark of the Holy Bible.
Mark wrote his gospel a few years after the death of Jesus, in about A.D. 70 with the intention of broadcasting Jesus’ good works. A close reading will reveal that the writings are mainly focused on the last three weeks of the life of Jesus. In it, Mark declares Jesus is the Son of God, and a messenger of God.
Mark 1:1-2 says, “The beginning of the gospel about Jesus Christ, the Son of God. It is written in Isaiah the prophet: ‘I will send my messenger ahead of you, who will prepare your way.”
The gospel was written for the Galilean Christians who were living under threat of persecution by the Jews. In Mark’s depiction of Jesus’ ministry and death he focuses on eliminating, or debunking any political connotations connected with the title “Christ” and the crucifixion. Mark stresses that Jesus was not an anti-Roman rebel who intended to assume political power over an earthly Israel.
The purpose of the gospel of Mark is purely and simply an announcement of the words and works of Jesus. It is the shortest of all the gospels which would have suited the simple, straightforward approach the Romans favored. In his work, Mark gives reference to the Old Testament only once, again this would have suited his readership knowing that they had little or no knowledge of the Old Testament.
Mark is the only one of the four evangelists who spoke of the future Kingdom of God as coming with power. Mark 9:1 says, “And he said to them, ‘I tell you the truth, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the kingdom of God come with power.'”
Looking for a church home or praise and worship services in Sacramento on Easter Sunday on April 4, visit the Church Directory at:
Sacramento Loaves & Fishes will be serving an Easter meal on Sunday, April 4th. 600 people are expected to be served on Easter morning. Your help and donations are greatly needed which include the following items:
Pre-prepared Hams
Red Potatoes
#10 Cans of Fruit Cocktail
#10 Cans of Green Beans
Cool Whip (Not Whipped Cream)
Mini Marshmallows
Easter Cookies
Warehouse is open for donations Monday – Friday 7 am to 230 pm. Please deliver items by Friday at 230 pm to 1400 North C Street. If you can’t help with any of the food items above we could use your cash donations to buy the items. You can send donations to our mailing address at PO Box 2161, Sacramento, CA 95812 or donate online by going to