FREE Online Tutoring and Homework Help Available Just in Time for Year-end Finals
24/7 Access to Expert Tutors for California Students
SAN MATEO, Calif. – As the academic year draws to a close, many California students – especially those in middle and high school – are preparing for their final exams in a myriad of subjects. With the HelpNow Program, these students can have access to free online tutoring and homework help so they can walk into finals week confident and well prepared.
HelpNow is offered by California’s public libraries and is administered by Pacific Library Partnership (PLP), in partnership with the California State Library and Brainfuse. The program ensures all California students, beginning in kindergarten through 12th grade, can have access to high quality tutoring and homework help regardless of barriers, such as the cost of tutoring, technology requirements, time constraints, transportation hurdles and other issues.
With HelpNow, the goal is to even the playing field for all students, to ensure equity not just with tutoring but in overall educational attainment, especially for those with limited resources and access.
“No doubt many students and parents are feeling anxious about upcoming finals, for some seniors, it’s their last requirement before graduating or going on to college,” said Justin Wasterlain, Assistant Director, PLP. “But by going to the HelpNow website, students can get one-on-one tutoring on specific subjects to get ‘test-ready’.”
Students do not need a library card to access the program. They can just go to the HelpNow website, select their local library and then follow the easy instructions (step-by-step instructions are available here).
HelpNow tutors are available at all hours – anywhere, anytime. As long as a student has access to an internet connected computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone, they have access to qualified tutors! Those with no internet or computer at home can visit their local library to use the computers there.
The tutors are highly qualified subject-matter specialists holding at least a bachelor’s degree and certifications in the area they tutor. They are selected only after a thorough review of their qualifications and proficiency in their subject area as well as an interview to determine their ability to work well with students in an online environment.
Additionally, tutoring support is available in multiple languages, breaking down language barriers and making for a personalized learning experience for all California students. Languages served are English, Spanish, Mandarin, Cantonese, Vietnamese and Tagalog.
The tutoring platform is secure and has features to protect families’ privacy and security. Individual users are not required to create an account or share personal information to receive assistance, providing an additional layer of privacy.
California State Library – Established in 1850, the California State Library is the central reference and research library for state government and the Legislature. It has an extensive collection of documents from and about the state’s rich history and is one of the major genealogical reference libraries on the West Coast. The State Library is both a State and Federal Depository Library, providing free and open access to government information, and is a U.S. Patent and Trademark Resource Center. It is home to the Bernard E. Witkin State Law Library and the Braille and Talking Book Library. It also directs state and federal funds to support local public libraries and statewide library programs and services, including the HelpNow Program.
Pacific Library Partnership (PLP) – PLP is one of nine cooperative systems, which were formed through a statewide effort by the California State Library to consolidate library systems throughout the state to achieve efficiencies and realize further economies of scale. PLP works cooperatively with the other systems and provides support for state-wide initiatives such as adult and early literacy, immigration, and veterans resources. There are 43 libraries within PLP, including 35 public libraries and 8 academic libraries. PLP manages the HelpNow Program.
Brainfuse – Brainfuse has completed millions of tutoring sessions and has become one of the world’s leading online tutoring providers, serving a diverse client base of libraries, school districts, workforce centers, and higher education institutions. It provides the online platform for the HelpNow Program.