On Friday, July 6, the California Senate approved initial funding for the construction of California’s $68 billion high-speed rail project, according to The Sacramento Bee’s CapitolAlertinfographic that explains how the high-speed rail will be built and financed, courtesy of MercuryNews.com.
So will Californians use it?
Tim Hornyak of CNET.com poses this question and focused on the positives of the rail, including how these types of rails have been successful in Europe and Asia, and will help eliminate carbon dioxide emissions.
Nicholas Kwasny, DC Finance Examiner on Examiner.com, says for a financially broke state to be spending money on such a huge project that may not ever be used by Californians is a bad idea.
What do you think – do you think a high-speed rail is something California needs? And if built, would you use it?
You can also follow all the news about this topic at the California High Speed Rail Blog at www.cahsrblog.com.