A Passionate Advocate for All Life
A Passionate Advocate for All Life

A Passionate Advocate for All Life

From the Editor of Cuisine Noir: We can have it all when it comes to life is the key message in Russell Simmons’ latest book, “Super Rich,” released this year. The book should not be mistaken for one that focuses on how to have the finer things in life but instead has “everything to do with living in a state of consciousness where you are equally connected to the world and your highest self.” It is a guide for living that Simmons may have unknowingly started 18 years ago as he embarked on a journey to live better and to be a better person. It started with Steve Ross, of Maha Yoga in Los Angeles, who introduced him to not only the power of yoga but to key principles that would ultimately lead to his passion for following a vegan diet today.

Simmons first went to yoga while living in Los Angeles because, as he says, “there was a bunch of cute girls there.” He went on to say, “I went there and there was a teacher named Steve Ross and he taught yoga but he played loud rap music. He had been a monk and he himself has been a raw foodist for now 40 years.” Read More…

Source: http://www.cuisinenoirmag.com/featured/russell-simmons-a-passionate-advocate-for-all-life


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