If this is your first visit to the website of Sacculturalhub.com WELCOME and we hope that you are also aware of our monthly publication, Sacculturalhub.com Urban Entertainment Newspaper. June is Black Music Month and our newspaper is loaded with fantastic, in-depth articles, including the feature about local artists who were awarded the winner and finalists of The Hub’s Choice of Sacramento’s 2007 Black Music Artist of the Year contest. We are so happy to be in our 5th year of being online and now in our second year of publishing and proud to celebrate Black Music Month with our June 2007 issue. In addition to the feature article, staff writer Keadrian Belcher-Harris had a chance to interview one of Sacramento’s local DJs–DJ Symphony, from Brooklyn, N.Y.–and got the inside scoop that takes more than spinning records to get a party bumpin’ and found out what’s going on in the life a Sacramento DJ.
I wish to congratulate all preschool, junior high, high school and college graduates. Education is power, and it’s important for all of us to be empowered.
Author Ben Sweetland said, “We cannot hold a torch to light another’s path without brightening our own.” Education is the shining light that can illuminate your path, leading you on a journey that can better your opportunities, your means and, in turn, your community. To secure a stable and lucrative future, including a career that is prosperous and satisfying, it is with education that you can achieve your goals.
I can remember when I participated in the Black Graduation Ceremony at San Jose State University in May 1999. It was da’ bomb! This was a major milestone and one of the best moments in my life, and I was proud to share it with my family–my grandmother, uncle and cousins–and friends. It was such a happy and glorious occasion to see an auditorium full of thousands of Black people who celebrated and honored the ceremony of hundreds of Black college graduates. When my name was called, and I walked to the stage to receive my diploma, my family stood up and roared with excitement. I had a smile from ear to ear!
When my diploma was placed in my hand, it became the torch that not only lights my path, but the paths of others. My accomplishments–an yours–can lead the way for those in our community.
And I would like to send a shout-out to all the fathers of Sacramento–Happy Father’s Day!
Get ready for a hot summer of fun in Sacramento. Don’t miss the Juneteenth Festival at William Land Park, the Meadowview Jazz Festival at Cosumnes River College, the California State Fair at Cal Expo and several concerts coming to SacTown!
STAY-IN-THE-KNOW at Sacculturalhub.com with what’s happening for African Americans in the Greater Sacramento Valley Region. Become an official subscriber of the Sacculturalhub.com Urban Entertainment Newspaper so that you receive this publication in your mailbox each month. Be sure to also patronize our advertisers in this issue and future issues as they support the mission/vision of Sacculturalhub.com.
True Blessings!
CEO and Founder Pleshette Robertson