Deadlines are coming up for Sacramento State students and other college students interested in furthering their artistic growth by immersing themselves in the arts at the California State University (CSU) Summer Arts Program in July at CSU Monterey Bay.
During a pair of two-week sessions, students will get to work with professionals in their respective fields, develop contacts that could aid their careers, and meet other student artists. Public performance and exhibition opportunities are also provided.
The sessions cover all facets of the arts — professionals from DreamWorks will spend two weeks with students animating a portfolio-quality CG piece, while landscape and travel photographers will teach a course exploring the use of light, and top writers will guide students on writing for film, television and theater. Other courses include contemporary painting, American classical guitar, stage combat, and dynamic partnering for dance.
Summer Arts Program sessions will be held July 1-14 and 15-28. Deadlines for the sessions are Friday, May 3, for the first session and Friday, May 17 for the second session. Scholarships are available for most students and all courses carry three units of transferable credit.
For more information and an application, visit or call 562-951-4060.